To meet planning policy, the borough of Havant is to deliver 3,626 new homes over the next five years. This site can make an important contribution to the target. Places for People’s project team have worked hard to ensure that the scheme fits well into its surroundings and the layout of the proposed new homes is as sensitive to the local environment as possible.

The plans have now been submitted to Havant Borough Council and the submitted documentation can be viewed on the Council’s online planning portal. The planning reference for the application is APP/22/00439.

This project is completely separate from earlier development proposals for fields to the east and south of the site. However, as is normal practice in planning, our project team has taken these plans into consideration for technical assessments and surveys that were required for the planning application.

Proposed site layout

View of what the proposals may look like

A wide range of technical surveys and assessments has been undertaken to support the planning application. All application documents are  available for public viewing on Havant Borough Council’s online planning portal. The planning reference for the application is APP/22/00439. Please have a look at the full plans here.    

Affordable homes

The proposed plans consist of up to 102 homes, made up of 56 two-, three- and four-bedroom semi-detached and terraced houses and 46 one- and two-bedroom apartments. The aspiration is that the proposed development will be 100% affordable, with a mix of homes for affordable rent and for sale through shared ownership. Suitable for a variety of needs, the proposed development will enable local people to stay living and working where they have grown up and for those on the Council’s housing register to find a suitable place to live.

He houses will be set back from the street to allow for planting, creating an attractive street scene. In keeping with the surrounding area, the houses will be two storeys high and the apartments will be up to three storeys in height. Design and building materials will reflect local architecture.

Car Parking

Car parking is considered a key aspect and Place for People has appointed independent consultants AWP to undertake technical assessments and provide professional advice. Based on the proposed housing mix, the development will provide 169 car parking spaces, in line with  Havant Borough Council’s highways requirements. There will be enough spaces for new residents and visitors to park at the proposed development. 


Access would be taken from College Road, opposite Apollo Drive. The project team’s Traffic Consultant has proposed to include a mini-roundabout to ensure an easy flow of traffic. The site’s proximity to local facilities and amenities will allow residents to walk or cycle, reducing the need for car use.   


Places for People aims to deliver an attractive development with private gardens and balconies, as well as publicly accessible green space for residents and visitors to enjoy. Mature trees and hedges will be retained along the site boundaries as much as possible. Further planting will enhance the existing hedges surrounding the site, screening the proposed development and supporting the site’s biodiversity.


The proposed green will provide space for people to relax outdoors and will also feature natural drainage features. The exact requirements for drainage will be discussed during the planning process with the Council and statutory consultees such as Southern Water.

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