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Jan22 CGI PfP Havant College Artistic View[2]


We are proposing plans for a new neighbourhood of up to 102 new homes at Havant & South Downs College, Crookhorn

Our Proposals

To meet planning policy, the borough of Havant is to deliver around 800 homes per year and this site is to make an important contribution to that target.
Jan22 CGI PfP Havant College Artistic View[2]


We welcome your comments and views regarding the proposed development, which can help us shape the proposals before any planning application is submitted to Havant Borough Council.


Places for People is proposing to deliver a high-quality housing development of up to 102 new homes at Havant & South Downs College in Crookhorn

In partnership with Havant & South Downs College, leading affordable homes-led placemaker Places for People has put forward proposals for up to 102 new homes at the College’s South Downs campus, east of College Road in Crookhorn. The site is located on the southern side of the campus and comprises a number of college buildings and a car park.

Please take a moment to view the proposed plans and how to get in touch, ask questions and share your views with the team. The full set of planning application documents can be viewed on Havant Borough Council’s online planning portal. The application reference is APP/22/00439.

Online Consultation Event

We held an online consultation webinar on Thursday 3 March 2022, where the project team presented the proposals and answered questions. You can watch a recording of the event here.

Affordable Homes

The proposed plans consist of 102 homes, made up of 56 two-, three- and four-bedroom houses and 46 one- and two-bedroom apartments. The scheme will be compliant with Havant Borough Council’s policy of 30% affordable housing. Places for People however aspires to provide a 100% affordable development. The affordable homes will be a mix of homes for affordable rent and for sale through shared ownership. 

Suitable for a variety of needs, the proposed development will enable local people to stay living and working where they have grown up and for those on the Council’s housing register to find a great place to live.

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